التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي


عرض المشاركات من يوليو, 2018

Wake me up

 .. In the name of Allah the Merciful .. The worst times when you feel so lonely and depressed but no one around you, It's like all the plans you Put to be happy or to do something useful are simply failed, You want to move ahead but life refuses and bring you back to suffer. Sometimes I wish to say: wake me up when it's all over , without being wiser or older just when it's all over. It's so hard but there is always Wisdom we do not see it or know about it, I believe in this even if it takes me a lot to understand it. It's just a life and its work to be happy and joyful for one day, and sad for a week, but this is not necessary be right!   Sometimes the opposite happens. I used to become sad and frustrated by anything quickly, without thinking that this might be better for me, It was really " without thinking " because with time it turned out to be the best for me. This didn't happen one or two but many times I even can...